Session 1: Acivity 2
As we have told
before, this activity goes in more detail in the concept of the equivalent
fractions. This concept will be connected in other activities because it’s very
important to be clear.
This activity is
consisted of two parts:
1- Students must work in pairs and they have to found
equivalent fractions to those in the table. They can be helped with the
attachment graphics.
2- On the second part of the activity students, in
pairs, should found the denominator or the missing fraction to form an
equivalent. The activity is produced on a table.
Students presented
more difficulties on this activity. The concept of the equivalent fraction was
more problematic than the graphics on the activity one. And we can also explain
in better detail the difficulties in each of the two parts:
-First part: Some
students didn’t understand the concept of fractions and they had to be helped
with some graphics. They had seen that the graphics divided in different number
of parts but doing equivalent fractions represented the same quantity. This was
the clue to better understand this thing.
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