Session 2: Activity 4

This activity introduces another important concept that is the relation between fractions and decimal numbers. Students should know that fractions can be decimals and decimals can be fractions.
As we had told before, the equivalent fractions are a very important point on this teaching unit. So, in this activity this concept is reflected too.
Students have a table with three columns as you can see in the photo: fraction, equivalent fraction and approximated decimal. They can do it easier because they have different cards where there are fractions, equivalent fractions and decimals and they must find the ones that have to be related. Then, they put them on the table that we have mentioned.
They had also the numerical number lines of the fractions compared with the decimal ones that helped them to find the relation between these two concepts.

They have to work this concept in small groups because they can help each other.


Students had some difficulties here because they hadn’t seen clear the relation between decimal numbers and fractions.
Apart of that we think that the cards were very important on the understanding of the relation. Also, we had the idea to put the relation between decimals and the distribution of the euros. 
So, as you can see on the picture, the results weren't so bad with the help that they were given.


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