Session 3: Activity 5

In this activity students find a table with four columns: discrete graph, numerical number line, fraction and polygonal graphic.
As you can see on the image:
-On the first sections of the activity, they have three columns filled and they just have to fill the missing one.

-Then, the activity is a little more complicated because they have two columns filled so they have to fill the two columns that are missing.

-Finally, the last example only has the point of the numerical number line where we represent the fraction that we want. 


This activity didn’t present a lot of difficulties for the students, we think because there were a lot of graphics.
The most difficult for them was the last section because they had almost nothing. So, we think that we could emphasyse more on this part.
But, in general it was the easiest activity for the group of students that we have presented the activities.


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